Become a member

Not-for-profit organisations such as Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services are an integral part of community life here in the Shoalhaven. Since 1977 we have been supporting people in our community by offering information and referral services and targeted programs that support people who are vulnerable or disadvantaged. Our unique legal status of an incorporated association means that we are a member based organisation and our members are our owners.


Our members are the driving force of our organisation as they are involved in setting the strategic direction for Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services (SNS) through being active members on the Management Committee, voting at general meetings and assisting with strategic planning.

Being a member is one way you can support the organisation to achieve its objectives, find out more about what is happening in the community and what has been achieved and benefit from its members rewards scheme. Membership is open to individuals and Organisations. SNS relies on its members’ support so we can continue to deliver quality services to our community.

Membership benefits

As a member you will:

  • be supporting a Shoalhaven based charity in achieving its vision and mission.
  • be able to represent your community to influence decision making at SNS.
  • assist your community to ensure government funding is spent according to funding contracts.
  • receive information about SNS and the activities carried out by SNS.
  • gain a sense of satisfaction and achievement.
  • be part of a membership base that truly represents our community.
  • be helping SNS develop its future. Cost $5 annual membership fee. Membership fees can be paid in person, by direct deposit or by cheque. 


Membership Application Form

I hereby apply for membership to Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services Incorporated and agree to abide by the Rules of the Association and where they do not apply the Model Rules of the Department of Fair Trading. I agree to pay an annual membership fee of $5.00.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

The association has three (3) types of membership: Full membership, Associate membership and Life membership:

  1. Full membership enables a member to be able to receive notice of and to attend general meetings of the association and address general meetings of the association if granted leave to do so by the person chairing the meeting and to vote, nominate and stand for positions on the committee of the association,
  2. Associate membership enables a member to be able to receive notice of and to attend general meetings of the association and address general meetings of the association if granted leave to do so by the person chairing the meeting. An Associate member is not entitled to vote at association meetings or to hold a position on the committee of the association.
  3. Life membership is awarded to any person who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of the objectives of the association. Life members are not required to pay a membership fee and are able to receive notice of and to attend general meetings of the association and address general meetings of the association if granted leave to do so by the person chairing the meeting and to vote, nominate and stand for positions on the committee of the association.
Membership Type(Required)
Payment Method
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